
lunatic [ˈlu:nətɪk]  [ˈlunətɪk] 


lunatic 基本解释

名词疯子; 狂人; 精神失常者,精神病人; 极愚蠢的人

形容词疯狂的; 精神错乱的; 愚蠢的; 极端的

lunatic 反义词



lunatic 相关例句


1. The man's lunatic behavior is a menace to society.


1. He must be a lunatic to drive his car so fast.

2. Who was the lunatic who gave the baby matches to play with?

lunatic 网络解释

1. 疯子:面色如纸. 但问题是我根本没见到过. 也许白色是月光,闪电,浮动的窗帘的颜色,是黑夜的反色. (后来发现英文疯子(lunatic)隐含着luna(月亮)这个词缀) 后来听说她在文革中失恋了,或者被人抛弃或者其男友遇难了,她就疯了

2. 兔子:打法方面,一开始建议去首都,在南边草原打波利和毛虫升级,4级后可去欺负兔子和苍蝇,特别叮咛,蛹(Puca)会掉斗篷和盾,波利(Poring)和兔子(Lunatic)会掉补品,苍蝇会掉+Atk43的小刀,等你有了Atk+43的小刀后(如果没从苍蝇身上得到的话,

3. 精神病患者:lunarperiodicity月周期性 | lunatic精神病患者 | lung肺

lunatic 词典解释

1. 疯子;蠢人;狂人
    If you describe someone as a lunatic, you think they behave in a dangerous, stupid, or annoying way.

    e.g. Her son thinks she's an absolute raving lunatic.

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2. 愚不可及的;癫狂的
    If you describe someone's behaviour or ideas as lunatic, you think they are very foolish and possibly dangerous.

    e.g. ...the operation of the market taken to lunatic extremes.
    e.g. ...a country spurned until now by all except the more lunatic of journalists and adventurers.

3. 混乱的;失控的
    If you describe a place or situation as lunatic, you mean that it is confused and seems out of control.

    e.g. He pleads for sanity in a lunatic world.

4. 精神病患者;疯子
    People who were mentally ill used to be called lunatics .

lunatic 单语例句

1. lunatic的意思

1. Just imagine someone today who speaks or writes in Elizabethan English, he would be regarded as either a comedian or a lunatic.

2. lunatic的近义词

2. You need to be a stubborn thorn in the flesh, not a crazed lunatic trying to rob a bank with a BB gun.

3. The protagonist was regarded as a lunatic after his wife and son escaped.

4. Even in US states with stricter regulation, any lunatic who wants to buy a gun can find a way.

lunatic 英英释义



1. lunatic在线翻译

1. a reckless impetuous irresponsible person

    Synonym: daredevil madcap hothead swashbuckler harum-scarum

2. an insane person

    Synonym: madman maniac


1. insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon

    Synonym: moonstruck
