louse up

louse up [laʊs ʌp]  [laʊs ʌp] 

louse up 基本解释
louse up 网络解释

louse up什么意思

1. 弄糟:louse around 游荡 | louse up 弄糟 | louse 虱子

louse up 双语例句

1. Scanning electron micrograph of close-up of head of pubic louse, showing mouthparts, computer-coloured green.

2. You have your orders. don't louse up.

3. It could louse up your divorce petition.

4. Miscasting louse d up the entire movie.

5. Just as you're making headway, you louse it up with this...

6. My boss asked me to arrange the ceremony of the world's fair, but i fear that i louse up it

7. The lousy rain has certainly louse d up my plans to take my girl friend to the beach today.

8. The rain has louse d up my plans.

louse up是什么意思

9. I louse d up my chance to get that job at the radio station by showing up at the employment interview two hours late.

louse up

10. Louse up something 搞得一团糟 He loused up his own marriage by getting involved with another woman.

louse up 单语例句

1. The ship and the mud that coated it offered up many additional intriguing artifacts, including a human hair with a tiny louse still clinging to it.

louse up 英英释义


1. make a mess of, destroy or ruin

    e.g. I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
           the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement

    Synonym: botch bodge bumble fumble botch up muff blow flub screw up ball up spoil muck up bungle fluff bollix bollix up bollocks bollocks up bobble mishandle foul up mess up fuck up
