
lounger [ˈlaʊndʒə(r)] [ˈlaʊn(d)ʒə] 

lounger 基本解释


名词游手好闲的人; 憩息用的家具; 休闲服


lounger 网络解释

1. 漫步者:lounge 闲逛 | lounger 漫步者 | loup 丝质面罩

2. 游手好闲之人:lounge (旅馆、俱乐部等的)休闲室 | lounger 游手好闲之人 | lout 粗人

3. 花园内的安乐椅:1. refuge: 避难所,庇护所 | 2. lounger: 花园内的安乐椅 | 3. sinister: 不吉祥的,凶兆的,险恶的

4. 漫步的人, 懒人 (名):lounge 闲逛; 长沙发; 休闲室 (名) | lounger 漫步的人, 懒人 (名) | loupe 宝石及钟表商人所用的强力放大镜 (名)

lounger 单语例句

1. lounger的近义词

1. And she certainly doesn't have to worry about making a swift dash from lounger to pool when no one's looking.

lounger 英英释义


1. an article of clothing designed for comfort and leisure wear

2. lounger的解释

2. an armchair whose back can be lowered and foot can be raised to allow the sitter to recline in it

    Synonym: recliner reclining chair

3. lounger的意思

3. someone who wastes time

    Synonym: dallier dillydallier dilly-dallier mope
