lounge lizard

lounge lizard [laundʒ ˈlɪzəd]  [laʊndʒ ˈlɪzəd] 

lounge lizard 基本解释
lounge lizard 网络解释

1. 闲庭信步:睡美人Sleeping Beauty | 闲庭信步Lounge Lizard | 黄色草裙Hula Kula

2. 舞男,纨夸子弟,二流子:Loser,born loser, nobody 天生的失败者,小人物 | Lounge lizard 舞男,纨夸子弟,二流子 | Love child 私生子

3. 寄生虫:寄件人地址/return address | 寄生虫/lounge lizard | 寄养的孩子/nurse child

4. 喜欢在社交圈中厮混追逐女人的男人:喜欢厮混在女人中间的男人/lady's man | 喜欢在社交圈中厮混追逐女人的男人/lounge lizard | 喜帖/wedding card

lounge lizard 双语例句

lounge lizard

1. Andy on the other hand is all phony charm - looking more lounge lizard than deadly swordsman here.

2. Be a lounge lizard or an extreme adventurer - whatever YOU want to do.

3. Zoom, you old lounge lizard, what do you say?

4. Kate do not like the way the lounge lizard will look at her when she come on stage to sing.

5. Kate, o not like the way the lounge lizard will look at her when she come on stage to sing.

lounge lizard 英英释义


1. a man who idles about in the lounges of hotels and bars in search of women who would support him

    Synonym: lizard
