lot number

lot number [lɔt ˈnʌmbə]  [lɑt ˈnʌmbɚ] 

lot number 基本解释



lot number 网络解释

1. 批号:CFIA及吉百利表示,该些39克装、产品批号(lot number)分别为02457T及02357T的吉百利「迷你蛋」普通牛奶巧克力或许含有榛子蛋白,但没有在产品标签上列明.

2. 地段號碼:除了之前提到的学校资讯搜寻(SchoolQuery)功能,地图也具备土地资讯搜寻(LandQuery)功能,能配合使用者需求显示地段号码(Lot Number)及注明土地或建筑属于政府机构或私人机构.

3. 批量编号:285 lot ID 批量标识 | 286 lot number 批量编号 | 287 lot number traceability 批号跟踪

lot number 单语例句

1. The store owner admits there is still no buyer for the number, although many people - especially business people - have shown a lot of interest.

2. lot number什么意思

2. Getting a basic license doesn't require a certain number of lessons but does require a lot of practice and a demonstration of competence.

3. lot number什么意思

3. " A lot of people will be surprised at the number of goals we have scored, " said the Irish international.

4. There seem to be a lot of people like Liu, as the number of online shops continues to grow.

5. Quite a lot of our players think we should raise the number, and that is being discussed by the committee in January.

6. Many migrant workers have returned home after being fired by companies, a number of which have suffered a lot because of falling demands overseas.

7. The increasing number of tourists have brought Zhouzhuang a lot of business opportunities, and promoted the development of Zhouzhuang.

8. lot number

8. My daughter has amassed an extraordinary number of male friends who are a lot older than her.

9. We have quite a number of special parents also who have a lot of resources.

10. lot number是什么意思

10. Countless number of people across the world know a lot about and love traditional Chinese culture.
