looking at

looking at

looking at 单语例句

1. The period ended with him looking at an official to make sure he didn't get hit with his third foul at the buzzer.

2. Police are still looking for a Chinese man who took the girl by force, while her mother was making payment at the hospital.

3. looking at的解释

3. But one former rebel has taken his past to the movie screen and is now looking at spreading a message through his acting.

4. You can tell by looking at this year's cakes that sticking to tradition is very important.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The thieves are habitual convicts that usually wander about street intersections near their campus, looking for cars waiting at lights.

6. looking at

6. Looking like green oil paint, the canopy of algae covered at least 70 percent of the lake's surface.

7. Troubled international financial services companies looking to raise capital are selling attractive assets at bargain prices.

8. Kong says investment should possibly be secondary when looking at a painting, because " there is always a certain degree of risk in any investment activity ".

9. looking at的近义词

9. Uribe is looking to win international support for the the peace process at a donors meeting Thursday and Friday in the coastal city of Cartagena.

10. Many presented bouquets to Mao's statue and some wept while looking at Mao's body preserved in a crystal casket.
