look up

look up [luk ʌp]  [lʊk ʌp] 

look up 基本解释

look up是什么意思

查找; 向上看; 改善; 拜访(某人)

look up 情景对话

look up的近义词

Apartment for Rent-(公寓招租)

A:This apartment has three rooms and a bath. Here's the kitchen.

B:It seems a little small to me.

A:Not really, for one person, and it has a nice gas range and a good refrigerator.There are lots of shelves and cupboards, too.

B:What about closets?

A:You'll have two large ones in the badroom.One has shelves and a built-in shoe rack.Then there's a storage closet in the living room and a linen closet in the bathroom.

B:The living room looks sort of dark.

A:We're painting it a lighter color, and it gets the afternoon sun.

B:Well, thank you for showing me around.I'll let you know tonight if I decide to take it.I want to look around before I make up my mind.
      谢谢你给我们看了房间。 如果我决定要,今天晚上我会告诉你。我想作出决定前再慎重考虑一下。

look up 网络解释

1. 查找:除了引入了新类如映射(Map)和集(Set)以外,一些现存类如向量(Vector)和哈希表(Hashtable)也被引入到了框架当中远程方法调用时间(time for remote method call)/本地方法调用时间(time for local method call)Jini支持下面五种机制,查找(Look up)发现(Discov

2. 好转:pick up 拾起;重拾(话题(开车)去接;偶然学得;得(病恢复(健康等收听,加快(speed),好转(look up)

3. 查询:因此10进位数的美元、美分及消费税的计算会花费不少时间,在现金交纳处出现了顾客排起长龙等待付款的情况,十分不便,大型零售店也无法发挥其快捷方便的功能.象这样广泛流通、且在通过现金出纳机时向计算机查询(Look Up)价格(Price)

look up 词典解释

1. look up的意思

1. (在参考书、列表等中)查检(事实或信息)
    If you look up a fact or a piece of information, you find it out by looking in something such as a reference book or a list.

    e.g. I looked your address up in the personnel file...
    e.g. Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 拜访,探访,看望(久未见面的人)
    If you look someone up, you visit them after not having seen them for a long time.

    e.g. I'll try to look him up, ask him a few questions...
    e.g. She looked up some friends of bygone years.

3. 改善;好转
    If a situation is looking up, it is improving.

    e.g. Things could be looking up in the computer industry.

look up 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. I like to be able to stand up and look a man in the eye when I'm talking business.

2. He follows up by adding the only reason father and son look alike is that they've had plastic surgery.

3. They buy one brand of bag not because it meets their needs, but it's the kind the people they look up to carry around with them.

4. Wong complemented her daughter on her long legs, and netizens queued up to add that she had a similar look to her mother.

5. Perhaps the first step toward this goal should be to tell smokers to look around for disapproving faces before lighting up a cigarette.

6. look up

6. An investigation team has been set up to look into a coalmine explosion in north China's Shanxi Province which has killed sixty miners so far.

7. But look around a few corners and you see that other construction project, the new venues going up fast for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

8. But he said Corrective Services would go to market to look for the best technology that would stand up to scrutiny.

9. Yacht training schools are springing up in the country's major costal cities as more and more people look to enjoy a nautical life.

10. Hwang also suggested Asian economies look into linking up the various FTAs so as to create a regional arrangements that cover all of Asia.

look up 英英释义

look up的反义词


1. seek information from

    e.g. You should consult the dictionary
           refer to your notes

    Synonym: consult refer
