look out on

look out on [luk aut ɔn]  [lʊk aʊt ɑn] 

look out on 基本解释
look out on 网络解释

1. 面临:look out for 期待 | look out on 面临 | look out upon 朝向

2. 濒临,鸟瞰:look out注意,警惕 | look out on濒临,鸟瞰 | look over过目;检查

3. (房子)面朝:look out for 当心,预防;寻找 | look out on (房子)面朝 | look over (简短的)审视,检查,浏览

look out on 单语例句

1. Look into all possibilities and see what you can do to come out on top.

2. Three out of four shoppers look for value for money, which means shopping for items on promotion remains a key strategy for many.

3. Fishermen have been asked to look out for the invasive carp on the lake side of the barriers.

4. look out on是什么意思

4. All vessels have been asked to look out for survivors, wreckage or oil spills on the surface of the water.

5. Police were on the look out for the four suspects who were believed to be burglars.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. But while they are still on a look out for the family's perfect abode, sources hint they may choose to nest in the Pacific Palisades area.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Go to the end of the lane and look out for the clever mynah bird who carries on conversations with attendant humans.

8. look out on的反义词

8. He put his coat on and went out to look for her.

9. For the past two decades he has not gone out on dates so he can look after his brother and mother.

10. look out on的解释

10. Britney Spears is forfeiting a night out on New Year's Eve to look after her children.

look out on 英英释义


1. look out on的解释

1. be oriented in a certain direction

    e.g. The house looks out on a tennis court
           The apartment overlooks the Hudson

    Synonym: look out over overlook look across
