look on

look on [luk ɔn]  [lʊk ɑn] 

look on 基本解释

在一旁观看,袖手旁观; 把眼光投向[以某种观点来看待或对待](某物或某人); 看热闹

look on 情景对话

Renting a house-(租房)

B:Hi, I’m Mary Smith.

A:Hello, I’m the landlord. John Taylor.

B:Nice to meet you Mr. Taylor.

A:Please, call me John.

B:O.K., John. Well, can I have a look at the place?

A:Sure. Come on it. We just finished rebuilding everything.

B:Oh, it hasn’t been painted yet.

A:No, we’re going to get that done next week.

B:Well. It’s certainly nice. You’ve done a great job.

A:Thank you.

B:The rent is $600 a month?

A:That’s right.

B:Well, I think I’ll take it. Can I write you a check for the security deposit now? $1200?

A:Yeah. But why don’t you come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease?

B:That would be fine.

A:Thank you. See you tomorrow.

B:See you.


A:What do you think about this dress, Geoff?

B:I like the pattern, but I’m not sure I like the red on you.

A:Do you think it fits?

B:Very nicely.

A:Would you go to check if they have the same dress in blue, then? You can just bring it back to the fitting room.


A:One more thing, what do you think about these pants? Do you think they would need hemming?

B:No, I think they’re the right length.

A:Do you like the pattern? I just can’t decide between the plain or the striped ones. What do you think?

B:I like plain clothes myself, but they both look fine on you. Which ones do you like more?

A:I think I’ll go for the striped pair of pants, then.

B:Good decision. I’ll just go and look for that dress then.

A:Thanks dear.

look on 网络解释


1. 旁观,观看:look into 观察;调查 | look on 旁观;观看 | look out 留神,注意

2. 观看:look for寻找 | look on观看 | look out注意

3. 看待:look into 调查 00-1-69 | look on 看待 93-1-51 | lose no time 立即 90-1-70

4. 旁观:look into the future 展望未来 | look on 旁观 | look sb. in the eye/face 正眼看;正视

look on 词典解释

1. look on在线翻译

1. (以某种方式)看待
    If you look on or look upon someone or something in a particular way, you think of them in that way.

    e.g. A lot of people looked on him as a healer...
    e.g. A lot of people look on it like that...

look on 单语例句

1. If you look at our organization design, it is mostly focused on servicing the export business.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. He read a lot of books to learn how to look after it and later spent most of his pocket money on buying more beetles.

3. McGrady had a good look on a jumper at the buzzer but misfired.

4. Old Tibet was " hell on earth ", which made slavery of medieval Europe and America look pale by comparison.

5. One key lesson for observant economists is to look at what is around you and then act on it.

6. For a case study of a country defaulting on its debt, just look at Argentina.

7. I got back to Shanghai 10 days ago to catch a look at the Expo before the curtain closes on Oct 31.

8. China should categorically tell the US to look itself in the mirror, and stopping harping on about China's military threat in the world.

9. The author of the book can now look forward to adding a section on " Days which have been completely rained off except on Center Court ".

10. Ma said that individual people wanting to look for relatives or friends usually come to the centre to check on citizens'identities.

look on 英英释义

look on的反义词


1. look on as or consider

    e.g. she looked on this affair as a joke
           He thinks of himself as a brilliant musician
           He is reputed to be intelligent

    Synonym: think of repute regard as look upon esteem take to be

2. observe with attention

    e.g. They watched as the murderer was executed

    Synonym: watch
