形容词长程; 长期的; 远大的; (飞机、火箭等)远程的
1. long-range
1. (军事装备或运载工具)远程的
A long-range piece of military equipment or vehicle is able to hit or detect a target a long way away or to travel a long way in order to do something.
e.g. He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.
e.g. ...the growing use on the North Atlantic routes of long-range twin-engined aircraft.
2. (计划、预测)长远的,长期的
A long-range plan or prediction relates to a period extending a long time into the future.
e.g. Eisenhower was intensely aware of the need for long-range planning.
e.g. ...a bold, complex, and long-range strategy for improving US education.
1. suitable for or reaching long distances
e.g. long-range nuclear capability
2. involving an extended span of time
e.g. long-range goals