
logically ['lɒdʒɪklɪ]  [ˈlɑdʒɪkl:ɪ] 

logically 基本解释


副词逻辑上,符合逻辑地; 能推理地

logically 网络解释


1. 逻辑上:换句话说, 给定了一个编排描述, 属于其一个实例的交互必须在逻辑上 (logically), 从而也在操作上 (operationally) 区别于其他实例的交互.当明确标记为编排的启动器 (initiator) 的交互被执行时, 相应编排被初始化从而建立起一个协作.

2. 逻辑:系统并没有把数据即时从硬碟中真实销毁, 为了减省资源和时间, 系统只会逻辑 (Logically) 地修改一个叫 F

3. 论理上, 逻辑上:double entry 复式记帐[登记] | logically 论理上, 逻辑上 | bathyal sea 半深海

logically 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. That is an adorable step toward transparency, which would logically yield multiple benefits.

2. logically的反义词

2. The different attitudes taken by Germany and Japan toward the wartime history logically lead to dissimilar outcomes.

3. News stories that would logically be important are not always reported or substituted with more sensational and entertaining news.

4. logically

4. But to cite historical PE to predict a turnaround is logically incompatible.

5. Given the individual's inherent weakness in the face of State power, the emphasis has logically been on protecting the individual from abuse by the latter.

6. Christmas is doubtless a symbol of Christian civilization and logically also a symbol of Western civilization.

7. logically

7. Logically, they need to involve China and the United States to succeed.

8. Since neither situation logically triggers direct military conflict, all of our potential conflicts must be recognized as wars of choice.

9. And since you can print more cash or find more precious stones and gold, then their values logically drop.

10. Logically with such big numbers finding talent should not be an issue at all for the industry.

logically 英英释义


1. in a logical manner

    e.g. he acted logically under the circumstances

2. logically

2. according to logical reasoning

    e.g. logically, you should now do the same to him
