
logging [ˈlɒgɪŋ]  [ˈlɔ:gɪŋ] 









logging 基本解释


名词<美>伐木搬运业; 记录,存入; 航行日志


logging 网络解释

1. 登录:新的策略加强机制可防止防病毒设置的失效或改变,从而避免在防毒过程中留下危险缺口. 而集中式的事件登录(logging)和报警系统会立即将病毒入侵通知给IT技术人员,使他们能够在病毒扩散之前,立即对公司或者重要客户和合作伙伴采取行动.

2. 日志:相比之下,日志(logging)和单元测试(unittest)具有明显的优势[2]. 冒号答完,立马重返主题,回到上面的问题,既然有重复的代码,不能从语法上提炼,不妨退一步从文字上提炼. 我们可以利用AWK、Perl之类的擅长文字处理的脚本语言,

3. 记录:口访问安全3.3.5 设置设备标识(banner)消息第二部分 拨号(Dialup)安全4.2.3 令牌卡(Token Card)和服务器5.2.1 步骤1:保护特权可执行(EXEC)和配置模式5.2.3 步骤3:配置AAA认证原型(profile)7.8 记录(logging)边界路由器事件8.

logging 词典解释

1. 伐木作业
    Logging is the activity of cutting down trees in order to sell the wood.

    e.g. Logging companies would have to leave a central area of the forest before the end of the year.

logging 单语例句

1. logging的近义词

1. The villagers used to make a simple living partly by cultivating small paddy fields, and by working for the logging companies.

2. Heilongjiang province has banned logging in the country's largest forest for 10 years to protect the natural environment and reduce China's carbon dioxide emissions.

3. The cutting of trees for logging and to clear land for plantations or cattle ranches is blamed for about 20 percent of global emissions.

4. logging的近义词

4. Heilongjiang has one city whose economy is largely fueled by oil, two supported by logging and four that are centered around coal mining.

5. When my children come home from school, their preferred form of chilling out is logging on.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. A gas station and convenience store clerk in the western Montana logging community of about 300 people said she recognized Duncan after seeing his photo.

7. The Philippines is usually hit by about 20 typhoons each year, with residents and environmental groups often blaming illegal logging or mining for compounding the damage.

8. The forestry enterprise that has jurisdiction over the area had been mainly engaged in logging rather than conservation.

9. At the central counting center in Baghdad, workers were cutting open the bags and logging numbers from the results sheets into computers.

10. In Jiangcheng county in Yunnan Province, five violators were jailed and fined for logging 550 cu m of timber last year.

logging 英英释义



1. the work of cutting down trees for timber
