
lodging [ˈlɒdʒɪŋ]  [ˈlɑ:dʒɪŋ] 


lodging 基本解释

名词寄宿; 出租的房间; 暂住; 借宿

动词存放( lodge的现在分词); 暂住; 借宿; 卡住

lodging 相关例句



1. Do you have lodging for tonight?

2. My friend lives in lodgings.

3. When he reached his lodgings the sun had set.

lodging 网络解释


1. 住宿:提供住宿(lodging)的pub可以叫做inn,如今多叫旅店(hotel). 但有趣的是,在英国、加拿大和澳大利亚,有些名字里有inn或hotel的pub如今却不提供住宿服务. 英国共有57000多个pubs,几乎所有的城市、镇与村都有至少一个. 在村子里,

2. 房屋出租:location 位置 | lodging 房屋出租 | logistical alliances 后勤联盟

3. 寄宿处, 寄宿, (通常用复数)出租的房间、住房:business term 营业期 | lodging 寄宿处, 寄宿, (通常用复数)出租的房间、住房 | gross activity measurement 总放射性测量, 总活度测量

4. 倒伏:lod 优势对数 | lodging 倒伏 | long period interspersion 长周期散布[中度重复序列与非重复序列在基因组中相隔较长距离交替出现]

lodging 词典解释

1. lodging的解释

1. 寄宿;借宿
    If you are provided with lodging or lodgings, you are provided with a place to stay for a period of time. You can use lodgings to refer to one or more of these places.

    e.g. He was given free lodging in a three-room flat.
    e.g. ...travel expenses including meals and lodgings while traveling away from home.

2. 寄宿舍;租住的房间
    If you live in lodgings, you live in a room or rooms in someone's house and you pay them for this.

    e.g. David had changed his lodgings, leaving no address behind...
    e.g. Many of the single men found lodgings in the surrounding villages.

3. see also: board and lodging

lodging 单语例句

1. Controversy has reigned ever since mixed gender lodging began to catch on in big cities.

2. lodging

2. The rest comes from waste and electricity related to transport to and from the conference center and lodging in and around the Danish city.

3. lodging的反义词

3. The monk does not charge tuition fees and gives free lodging and meals to poor students.

4. The nation adopted a policy in 1985 which stipulates that the expense for food, clothing and lodging of Tibetan students from needy families be covered by government subsidies.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Xin fang refers literally to citizens'letters and visits to competent authorities for lodging complaints.

6. They can get lost in their virtual worlds for days and not bother going back home for food or lodging.

7. The CPPCC plays an important advisory role putting forward suggestions and lodging complaints concerning the formulation and implementation of State policies of all kinds.

8. They are given free admission to the tourist sites along with free lodging and meals, the report said.

9. They are given free admission to the tourist site along with free lodging and meals.

10. At a time when many hotels are vying to be part of a major brand, one lodging company has chosen to go at it alone.

lodging 英英释义



1. the act of lodging

2. lodging什么意思

2. structures collectively in which people are housed

    Synonym: housing living accommodations

3. lodging的翻译

3. the state or quality of being lodged or fixed even temporarily

    e.g. the lodgment of the balloon in the tree

    Synonym: lodgment lodgement
