lodge in

lodge in

lodge in 单语例句

1. Observers say the losing side in the case is all but certain to lodge an appeal.

2. An important factor in the equation is Kiboko Lodge, which officially opened in October after a trial run of several months.

3. lodge in的近义词

3. FIG said the South Koreans failed to lodge a protest in time.

4. The Naha District Public Prosecutors Office will lodge a prosecution to the Chinese skipper in accordance with the request of the judicial panel.

5. The preparation work is under way, and China is set to lodge the official application in 2014.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. The two young men work at Kiboko Lodge, an unusual resort hotel on the edge of Arusha National Park in northern Tanzania.

7. Visitors lodge in structures constructed according to the ethnic group's traditional architecture.

8. The Detroit Free Press reports that a beaver lodge has been discovered in an intake canal at a Detroit Edison riverfront plant.
