1. 破伤风:主要见于马腹痛病、传染性脑脊髓炎、破伤风(lockjaw)和某些中毒;牛见于胃肠卡它、前胃弛缓、、创伤性网胃炎和真胃疾病;也可见于猪瘟和羊的多头蚴病(coenurosis).
2. 强直:lochiostasis 子宫积恶露 | lockjaw 强直 | locomotor apparatus 运动器
3. 牙关紧闭症:青光眼Glaucoma | 角膜溃疡Corneal ulcers | 牙关紧闭症Lockjaw
4. 牙关紧闭:颌闭 jaw,lock | 牙关紧闭 jaw,locked,trismus,lockjaw | 下颌 jaw,lower
1. an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds
spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles may occur during the late stages
Synonym: tetanus