listen in

listen in [ˈlisn in]  [ˈlɪsən ɪn] 

listen in 基本解释

监听; 窃听; 收听广播节目; 在一旁听人讲话

listen in 网络解释

1. 收听,监听,偷听:line up排队,使排成一行 | listen in收听,监听,偷听 | live off靠...生活

2. 收听:listen for 倾听 | listen in 收听 | listen out 留心听

3. 插听,收听:listener-in 无线电收听者 | listen-in 插听,收听 | listening and ringing key 听唤振铃键

4. 收听;偷听;监听:listen 听, 留神听; 听从, 听信 (动) | listen in 收听; 偷听; 监听 | listenable 值得一听的 (形)

listen in 词典解释

1. 偷听;监听
    If you listen in to a private conversation, you secretly listen to it.

    e.g. He assigned federal agents to listen in on Martin Luther King's phone calls.

listen in 单语例句

1. Lee noted that in other common law jurisdictions which have such laws, judges and commissioners do not listen to the materials.

2. This is unprecedented in the history of the country's administrative regulation legislation and shows legislators desire to listen to the public.

3. Children don't just need us physically present but emotionally available - willing to listen and pay attention and participate in their daily lives.

4. Calderon said his government has the will to support its citizens, listen their just complaints and reinforce the effort to defeat delinquency in Mexico.

5. She shouted at him in an attempt to stop him, but he did not listen.

6. The subtle shifts in emotion in some cases make one track sound indistinct from another, but Blasko's honest lyrics make the disc worth a listen.

7. People listen raptly to the " Silk and Bamboo " music of traditional Guangdong opera, and boogie to the disco beat in nightclubs.

8. Two days to relax on the grass at Ditan Park and listen to some of the most interesting music being made in China.

9. We were there to listen to an elderly factory chief talking for three hours, and that man lit up 11 cigarettes and drank tea in between.

10. You don't have to dress up and sit in a concert hall to listen to a symphony.

listen in 英英释义



1. listen quietly, without contributing to the conversation

2. listen without the speaker's knowledge

    e.g. the jealous man was eavesdropping on his wife's conversations

    Synonym: eavesdrop
