1. (破产)清算:不论是自愿破产还是强制破产,不论是破产清算(liquidation)程序还是破产重整(re-habilitation)程序,自动停止都将发生效力. 在美国,自愿破产是债务人主动申请的破产,强制破产是由债权人或其他主体(监管部门、股东)提出申请的破产;
1. The chain store has been placed under provisional liquidation by auditing firm Ernst & Young.
2. That makes it necessary for a country to build its liquidation liability as part of its bigger foreign payment capacity construction.
3. If there is a genuine credit squeeze, forced liquidation will drive down the prices of all assets.
4. He said the NAPSA was also facing challenges when companies went into liquidation since pension liabilities ranked lowest under the current law.
5. The China Securities Regulatory Commission defines such debt as having a later liquidation than ordinary debt.
6. The company has already considered filing for liquidation to protect its remaining assets from enforced sale.
7. He would also not rule out a Chapter 7 liquidation filing, it said.
8. The liquidation committee should have a head member appointed by the power organ of the FFE.
9. She added that in cases of bankruptcy or forced liquidation, the SSD would not be applied.
10. danci.911chaxun.com
10. After handing out compensation, the fund company will participate in the liquidation of the failed companies as a creditor.
1. the murder of a competitor
Synonym: elimination
2. termination of a business operation by using its assets to discharge its liabilities
Synonym: settlement
3. liquidation的翻译
3. the act of exterminating
Synonym: extermination