
liquidated ['lɪkwɪdeɪtɪd]  ['lɪkwɪdeɪtɪd] 




liquidated 基本解释
清偿;清算( liquidate的过去式和过去分词 );清除;变卖;
liquidated 网络解释

1. 已长付:liquidaqualiquidum 液体 | liquidated 已长付 | liquidation 偿付

2. 被清算的:line of credit:信贷最高限额 | liquidated:被清算的 | maturity:票据到期

liquidated 单语例句

1. China Minsheng Banking Corp liquidated a QDII product, the first such product to meet such a fate amid the current sluggish capital market.

2. " We liquidated Rabin and we will liquidate Sharon, " said a slogan daubed on a wall in Jerusalem.

3. liquidated是什么意思

3. GITIC was later liquidated by Guangdong provincial government, which established the company.

4. liquidated的解释

4. The French government ordered a production halt of the implants last year and the company is being liquidated.

5. The unprofitable parts of Alitalia's business would not be purchased and would instead be sold or liquidated.

6. liquidated

6. " Terror will be stopped only after the terror organizations have been dismantled and liquidated, " read the Cabinet statement.

7. liquidated

7. They liquidated their savings, took a second mortgage and sold their car.

8. The brokerage collapsed four days after the parent and is being separately liquidated by Giddens.


9. But lenders face limited options as CAO could be liquidated if the rescue plan doesn't move ahead.

10. liquidated的解释

10. The foundation had threatened to have Chan declared bankrupt, and have his assets liquidated to acquire the money.
