1. 利口酒:最贵的白葡萄酒 1784年份迪琴酒庄白葡萄酒,1986年伦敦佳士得拍卖二、雪利酒(Sherry) 三、玛德拉酒(Madeira) 四、甜食酒的饮用服务 五、甜食酒的贮藏要求 六、甜食酒调制的鸡尾酒 第四节 利口酒(Liqueur) 一、利口酒的酿造方法 二、
2. 力娇酒:力娇酒(LIQUEUR) 自从阿拉伯人发现蒸馏术后,很快的就传入西方. 西方的化学家并利用此种技术,来探求长生不老的秘方. 蒸馏术虽被化学家所专擅,但因为酒精有医疗作用,当时医药又为教会人士所掌管,所以蒸馏术渐由科学家手中转移到神学家手中,
3. 酒:利乔酒(LIQUEUR) 利乔酒LIQUEUR亦称利口酒,因大多为浓稠甜腻,所以也可称为香甜酒、 甜露酒 . 其制造方法是采用酿制或蒸饮馏类原酒作为基酒,再添混必所需材料 而形成所 添混物之特色的酒. 利乔酒约可分为(果实)和(药物)两种类型,
4. 露酒:除去氢氰酸後,苦仁型扁桃油可用於制作作食品和甜露酒(liqueur)的香料. 扁桃含少量蛋白质、铁、钙、磷、B族维生素,脂肪含量高. 扁桃可生吃,去皮吃或烹食,通常用制果点. 在欧洲加糖的扁桃酱用於糕点、蛋白杏仁糖果(一种传统糖果).
1. (餐后的)利口酒,烈性甜酒
A liqueur is a strong alcoholic drink with a sweet taste. You drink it after a meal.
e.g. ...liqueurs such as Grand Marnier and Kirsch.
e.g. ...small glasses of liqueur.
2. 酒心巧克力
Liqueurs are a type of chocolate. They contain a sweet substance that has the flavour of an alcoholic liqueur.
e.g. ...two boxes of liqueurs.
1. The most popular cocktail including strawberries is daiquiri which is a mixture of lime, strawberry liqueur and rum.
2. Start the countdown by taking the cake out and soaking it with a good orange liqueur like Cointreau.
3. I have made a deliciously light fruitcake that uses no liqueur and it always turns out moist and just as rich.
4. Mix dried fruits and liqueur and let stand for an hour or overnight.
5. Baileys was the first liqueur to use cream and alcohol together in a way that was stable enough to allow commercial distribution.
6. An Italian liqueur maker will buy a third of China's largest winery Changyu Group, the Chinese company announced on Thursday.
7. Fruitcakes are traditionally doused in liqueur to improve its shelf life and flavor, but it does not need to be so.
8. Patrons in one Rome cafe without power to run the coffee machine turned to liqueur instead.
9. liqueur
9. Combine dried fruits and nuts and macerate in the tea and liqueur overnight, covered.
10. Soak the cherries and apricots in the fruit liqueur for about 15 minutes.