
lipid [ˈlɪpɪd]  ['lɪpɪd] 

lipid 基本解释


lipid 网络解释


1. 脂类:(四)脂类(lipid)比较重要的脂类有真脂(即甘油酯)、磷脂及固醇三大类. 最简单的脂肪是由甘油和脂肪酸构成的. 脂类是一种能源(每克脂肪要比每克糖或蛋白质多供应一倍以上的热量),也是细胞各种结构的组成成分,尤其是细胞膜、核膜以及细胞器的膜,

2. 脂质:此化合物会导致氧化(Oxidation): 直接伤害蛋白质(protein )、基因(DNA)、脂质(Lipid)因而导致人体组织及细胞破坏. 理论上使用抗氧化剂应该可以中合这一种活性氧类(ROS)、减少氧化(Oxidation)导致的组织及细胞破坏.

3. 脂肪:强烈的求知欲使他通过各种途径了解到羊毛脂的珍贵价值,Jerry发现羊毛脂蕴含丰富的人体皮肤所必须的脂肪酸,拥有非常接近人类皮肤表皮角质层内皮脂肪(Lipid)的特性,有非常卓越的油水平衡效果.

lipid 单语例句

1. While factors such as advanced age and a genetic disposition are beyond one's control, high blood pressure and lipid levels can be reined in.

2. And a high salt intake is closely related to the risks of hypertension, while alcohol is closely related to hypertension and abnormal blood lipid levels.

3. lipid什么意思

3. The jatropha plant produces seeds that contain inedible lipid oil that is used to produce fuel.

4. Children should receive the same test as adults - a blood test known as a fasting lipid profile.

lipid 英英释义


1. an oily organic compound insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents
    essential structural component of living cells (along with proteins and carbohydrates)

    Synonym: lipide lipoid
