link up

link up [liŋk ʌp]  [lɪŋk ʌp] 

link up 基本解释
贯通;连接, 结合, 合并;连贯;沟通;
link up 网络解释

1. 把...连(衔)接起来:line up 排队,使排成一行 . | link up 把...连(衔)接起来 . | on the lips of 在...中流传 .

2. 连接:link type 链接类型 | link up 连接 | link 链环

3. 连结起来:territory n.领土,领域 | link up 连结起来 | subsequent a.随后的

4. 沟通:随访:following-up | 沟通:Link up | 建设:build up

link up 单语例句

1. link up的近义词

1. It allows potential buyers to call up sellers by clicking a link in a Web page.

2. link up是什么意思

2. Once that bit of the system is laid out and operational, it will be up to Cambodia to link it up with the wider transnational network.

3. Dongfeng has said it aims to merge or link up with two or three less competitive automakers in China by 2005.

4. The city has a computer network to link up the criminal investigation centre with different interrogation cells.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. The proposed link up would create a Chinese cargo conglomerate able to compete with the world's biggest carriers.

6. An information system will be established to link up emergency calls, hospitals and social service organizations.

7. Silence on that link from Paris has led some to suggest agents may hope to follow up leads to more captives.

8. The paths all link up and zigzag their way around the scenic resort.

9. link up的反义词

9. Also, they will help survivors link up with their relatives and collect people's suggestions on reconstruction.


10. Concerned ministries should plug loopholes in every production and marketing link by stepping up inspection and monitoring across the country.

link up 英英释义

link up在线翻译


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. make a logical or causal connection

    e.g. I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind
           colligate these facts
           I cannot relate these events at all

    Synonym: associate tie in relate link colligate connect

2. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces

    e.g. Can you connect the two loudspeakers?
           Tie the ropes together
           Link arms

    Synonym: connect link tie

3. be or become joined or united or linked

    e.g. The two streets connect to become a highway
           Our paths joined
           The travelers linked up again at the airport

    Synonym: connect link join unite
