
limitation [ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃn]  [ˌlɪmɪˈteʃən] 



limitation 基本解释

名词限制; 局限; 极限; 起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件)

limitation 相关例句



1. He knows his limitations.

2. Deafness is a serious limitation in this job.

3. Within these limitations you are free to do as you choose.

4. Every form of art has its limitations.

limitation 网络解释


1. 局限性:当然了,还是有一定的条件,比如取代速记员就需要开发出一种新的语音识别(voice-recognition)软件,这个软件已经出现了,比如IBM开发的viavoice软件,但是还没有大范围使用,因为有一定的局限性(limitation而监狱看守消失也会依赖于未来开发的一种可以植入罪犯(prisoner;

2. 限定:法官们再一次强调了宪法所规定的分权原则,指出宪法第三条不仅是一种授权(grant)更是一种对权力的限定(limitation). 这两次事件中法官们一致坚持了司法权与行政、立法权相分离,从而确立了司法机关独立行使司法权的原则. 再次,

3. 极限:经由透明(transparent)、半透明(translucent)及反射等效果之交相作用之下,重叠影像及投射资讯所营建的动态超现实意境,不仅将室内与室外之间的界限予以彻底瓦解,同时,也模糊了所谓的空间深度及极限(limitation)等建筑概念.

limitation 词典解释

1. 限制;控制
    The limitation of something is the act or process of controlling or reducing it.

    e.g. All the talk had been about the limitation of nuclear weapons.
    e.g. ...damage limitation.

2. 起限制作用的规则(或决定)
    A limitation on something is a rule or decision which prevents that thing from growing or extending beyond certain limits.

    e.g. ...a limitation on the tax deductions for people who make more than $100,000 a year...
    e.g. There is to be no limitation on the number of opposition parties.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. (能力的)局限
    If you talk about the limitations of someone or something, you mean that they can only do some things and not others, or cannot do something very well.

    e.g. I realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations, to achieve well beyond what you believe yourself capable of...
    e.g. Parents are too likely to blame schools for the educational limitations of their children.

4. 限制性事实(或情形)
    A limitation is a fact or situation that allows only some actions and makes others impossible.

    e.g. This drug has one important limitation. Its effects only last six hours.
    e.g. acute disc collapse in the spine, causing limitation of movement.

limitation 单语例句

1. A controversial article in the decision places what amounts to a statute of limitation on past criminal activities committed by private business owners.

2. limitation在线翻译

2. In the case of injuries, the new law has abolished the limitation on compensation for the victim's lost earnings.

3. Due to the time limitation of each medical checkup, each patient can only receive free cataract surgery on one eye.

4. Compared with some European countries that have a very long history with red wine, there does exist some limitation in the Chinese red wine market.

5. LAN is different from Internet in its closeness and limitation and controllability of the number of its terminal users and coverage.

6. This explanation illustrates America's consistent hegemonic policy, and the limitation and falsity of Obama's " new diplomatic policy " and " reform ".

7. But we have to admit the limitation of the TMC that it is not good at curing some sorts of diseases.

8. He also believes the home loan interest deduction should be extended indefinitely, beyond the current limitation of 10 years.

9. Without the limitation of a shell, a cuttlefish can grow to over 10 m in length.

10. The city and district attorneys said they had failed for three years to get state lawmakers to revise what they deem an outdated limitation statute.

limitation 英英释义


1. an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)

    Synonym: restriction

2. the quality of being limited or restricted

    e.g. it is a good plan but it has serious limitations

3. a principle that limits the extent of something

    e.g. I am willing to accept certain restrictions on my movements

    Synonym: restriction

4. the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed

    e.g. there are limits on the amount you can bet
           it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight

    Synonym: limit

5. (law) a time period after which suits cannot be brought

    e.g. statute of limitations
