
lifesaver [ˈlaɪfseɪvə(r)]  [ˈlaɪfˌsevɚ]


lifesaver 基本解释


lifesaver 网络解释

1. 救生圈:James和Charles针对在这类设备上讨生活的程序员所撰写的这本书,如果算不上救生圈(lifesaver),起码也是节约时间的法宝(timesaver). 作者以简洁有力的方式把握了计算机领域中大多数古老而不可或缺,但非显而易见的内存节约技术.

2. 井架工安全带:lifelines of the national economy 国民经济命脉 | lifesaver 井架工安全带 | lifesaving equipment 救生设备

3. 救生者:lifer 无期徒刑犯 | lifesaver 救生者 | lifesaving 救命的

4. 救生员:lifeguard救生员 | lifesaver救生员 | markings标志线

lifesaver 词典解释

1. (常指在健康方面)帮助解除困境之物
    If you say that something is a lifesaver, you mean that it helps people in a very important way, often in a way that is important to their health.

    e.g. The cervical smear test is a lifesaver.

lifesaver 单语例句

1. WASHINGTON - High gas prices could turn out to be a lifesaver for some drivers.

2. It first needs to be deactivated and purified, to modify it from a mini killer into a mini lifesaver.

lifesaver 英英释义


1. a life preserver in the form of a ring of buoyant material

    Synonym: life buoy life belt life ring

2. an attendant employed at a beach or pool to protect swimmers from accidents

    Synonym: lifeguard
