life style

life style [laif stail]  [laɪf staɪl] 

life style 基本解释
life style 网络解释

1. 格调:此外还有雅俗共赏的文化,诸如电影、时装、美食、风土人情(travel)以及生活格调(life style)等等. 作为大学生,层次应定位在共赏文化以上. 这不是说,咱们就不能喜欢通俗的事物了,恰恰相反,咱们可以理直气壮地看肥皂剧而拒绝话剧,前提是,

2. 生活形态:饿 思想:想像,望梅止渴 情境影响 实体环境:噪音,灯光,温度 社会环境 购买理由 时间因素 事前条件:心情,金钱 人格及生活形态 人格(Personality) 一个人行为对环境刺激的固定反应 生活形态(Life Style) 人们生活,花时间,

3. 生活形式:美国底子厚,只要能够选出智慧的总统,就可以合理的调整政策,避免危机发生,但是美国要继续目前这种的生活形式(life style)是不太可能的. 不论是中亚还是中东,美国的军力都被陷在那里,进退失据,每天耗费巨大,而且距离达成预定的战略目标遥遥无期.

life style 单语例句

1. It is important to plan your school study according to your financial capabilities, future career and your future life style.

2. Works presented by Xue Jun are made in a simple style of kaleidoscopic colours which illustrate people's admiration and pursuit of modern life.

3. Just as the directors put it, it was an ode to life in fairytale style.

4. Henry said the decision was the most difficult of his life and he only wanted to move to Barcelona because of its style of play.

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5. The Party's work style bears on the image of the Party, the trend of public feeling and the life of the Party.

6. A source told Life & Style magazine the'Melissa & Joey'star could not be happier about the latest addition to the clan.

7. It's the writer's first novel in three years continuing her previous style and themes of alternative metropolitan life and unusual love.

8. life style的翻译

8. The excessive consumption of natural resources as represented by the Western life style, has triggered fierce criticism.

9. The film is reported to mark a return to Zhang's earlier style focusing on human values and ordinary life.

10. The two checked out of the hotel together, according to Life & Style Weekly.

life style 英英释义


1. life style是什么意思

1. a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes

    Synonym: life-style lifestyle modus vivendi
