lie low

lie low [lai ləu]  [lai lo] 

lie low 基本解释

动词敛迹; 平躺,大败,潜伏; 韬晦; 隐匿

lie low 网络解释

1. 大败:lie like a gas meter 一味撒谎 | lie low 大败 | lie on a bed of thorns 如坐针毡

2. 不露行迹,隐藏某种意图:27. dry run 排练,演习 | 28. lie low 不露行迹,隐藏某种意图 | 29. let sleeping dogs lie 劝告别招惹别人,以免自找麻烦

3. 平躺,大败,潜伏:**Lie like a rug 撒了弥天大谎 ,很会说谎 | Lie low 平躺,大败,潜伏 | Lie through your teeth 明显在撒谎

4. 隐匿,躲藏:刘谦的魔法时刻 Time for a miracle | lie low 隐匿,躲藏 | rumor has it... 传言说......

lie low 单语例句

1. Illegal and unscrupulous companies lie low for a while every time supervision departments crack down on them only to emerge stronger after their " hibernation ".

2. lie low什么意思

2. They'll probably lie low, but they won't change their mind.

3. Staff at international organizations have been advised to lie low and increase security.

4. He suggested she lie low for now and concentrate on crafting an image as a responsible parent.

5. lie low

5. Instead, they lie low and set up a trust company to do the job for them.

6. Yang said Chinese enterprises'advantages lie mainly in low human resources and operating costs and flexible mechanisms.


7. " Love stories were considered of low artistic and cultural value, " says literary critic Xia Lie.

lie low 英英释义


1. to try to avoid detection especially by police

    e.g. After we knock off that liquor store we'll have to lay low for a while

2. keep a low profile, try to be inconspicuous
