
liberalization [ˌlɪbrəlaɪ'zeɪʃn]  [ˌlɪbrəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 

liberalization 基本解释

名词自由化; 自由主义化,使宽大

liberalization 网络解释


1. 自由贸易:他们知道自己国家的经济方面的竞争力(competitive)强,可以从自由贸易(liberalization)中获得最大利益(profit),而发展中(developing)国家担心(fear)自己的经济会遭到西方强势(superior)生产力的淹没(swamp).

2. 自由化;开放(市场):liable to tax 应纳税;应课税 | liberalization 自由化;开放(市场) | licence 许可证;牌照;特许文件

liberalization 单语例句

1. The few intellectuals who incited the students to action oppose the socialist system and advocate bourgeois liberalization.

2. Balancing the goal of equity with the pursuit of greater liberalization and promotion of consumption is no cakewalk.

3. liberalization的翻译

3. They reaffirmed their commitment towards an active process of multilateral trade liberalization and opposition to trade and investment protectionism.

4. liberalization的反义词

4. China has for a long time maintained strict capital account controls, and the authorities are cautious about capital account liberalization.

5. liberalization

5. This community will include a free trade and investment market, a common visa regime for professional workers and the liberalization of capital flows.

6. Huang admits that liberalization of the capital account does not mean there will be no limit for capital flows.

7. liberalization是什么意思

7. The new supplement of CEPA provides 35 market liberalization and trade and investment facilitation measures in 19 sectors.

8. Agreements on further liberalization under the second and third phases of CEPA were reached in 2004 and last year.

9. But the CIRC is quickening its liberalization of the use of insurance funds, an issue it has long been cautious about for fear of the associated hazards.

10. Experts agree that liberalization of coal prices will be the inevitable direction of the reform.

liberalization 英英释义



1. the act of making less strict

    Synonym: liberalisation relaxation
