
leverage [ˈli:vərɪdʒ]  [ˈli:vərɪdʒ] 






leverage 基本解释

名词杠杆作用; 影响力; 优势,力量; 举债经营

动词举债经营; 借贷收购

leverage 网络解释


1. 杠杆率:如此高的回报率的秘密隐藏于高达95%~98%的杠杆率(leverage). 当然,这是一切都美好的年 代:房价高涨、利率低廉、华尔街大牛市、投资者热情高涨. 然而,盛宴总有曲终人散的时候. 房 贷公司的冬天骤然而至. 自2005年开始,市场环境发生了变化,

2. 还我正义:<<法庭内外>>这部从来没有被任何人、任何媒体看好的新剧,却成了2008~2009播出季第一个被预订的幸运儿. <<罪案终结者>>(The Closer)没有明确的消息,但剧组十分乐观,认为第五季应该是囊中之物. 现代罗宾汉故事<<还我正义>>(Leverage)将于12月播出.

3. leverage:lev; 通常可以用财务杠杆

leverage 词典解释

1. (能够操控形势的)影响力,手段,优势
    Leverage is the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens.

    e.g. His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.

2. 杠杆力;杠杆作用
    Leverage is the force that is applied to an object when something such as a lever is used.

    e.g. The spade and fork have longer shafts, providing better leverage.

3. 举债经营;为…融资
    To leverage a company or investment means to use borrowed money in order to buy it or pay for it.

    e.g. He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake.

The committee voted to limit tax refunds for corporations involved in leveraged buyouts.
leverage 单语例句

1. It is desirable to constrain leverage, but not to the point of increasing the cost of capital and investment.

2. Xiang commented that a number of Chinese companies have already learnt to leverage investment and capitalize on global resources and thus gained distinct advantages.

3. It also said companies with high leverage, huge losses and or impaired cash flow should not engage in derivative trading.

4. Futures are better betting tools than cash market products because they allow leverage.

5. The channel will leverage Li's reputation and the website platform to increase public awareness about charity and urge more netizens to participate in charitable causes.

6. Clearly one of Abe's central strategies is to boost Japan's leverage with China by strengthening security and energy cooperation with countries in Southeast Asia.

7. And he warned that banks in the eurozone need to focus on increasing liquidity and lowering leverage to avoid the potential risk of systemic collapse.

8. Those that succeed will have a huge commercial advantage which could give them the leverage they need to take over their rivals.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. The authorities have every reason to revise the law to give more leverage to common workers and to link wages to the consumer price index.

10. When making use of their administrative leverage over real estate developers, local construction authorities should not ignore the basic market rule of supply and demand.

leverage 英英释义



1. investing with borrowed money as a way to amplify potential gains (at the risk of greater losses)

    Synonym: leveraging

2. strategic advantage
    power to act effectively

    e.g. relatively small groups can sometimes exert immense political leverage

3. the mechanical advantage gained by being in a position to use a lever

    Synonym: purchase


1. provide with leverage

    e.g. We need to leverage this company

2. supplement with leverage

    e.g. leverage the money that is already available
