less important

less important

less important 单语例句

1. But its reputation as an important transportation and business hub in the US is less familiar.

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2. But detailed policy content may be less important than a more fundamental transformation - the length and condition for real sustainable growth.

3. less important的近义词

3. No less important is the need to reflect on the delayed reaction by the local government to the looming crisis.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Arsenal learned the hard way that what you do in October or February is far less important than what happens in April.

5. less important是什么意思

5. Rooney's matching 23 goals were another very big part of United's season, along with the less glamorous but no less important contribution from the defenders.

6. Checks on the central government are always necessary but bringing local officials guilty of wrongdoing into the sunlight is no less important and urgent.

7. That change seems no less important and urgent than any other changes hotly debated by American politicians and news media.

8. My family's roots are more humble, but no less important to us.

9. In a sense, this is no less important than the accuracy of their figures.

10. In this sense, how to actively involve the country is no less important than the issue itself.
