
lesbian [ˈlezbiən] [ˈlezbiən] 



lesbian 基本解释

形容词女同性恋的; 莱斯博斯岛的

名词女同性恋者; 莱斯博斯岛人

lesbian 网络解释


1. 女性同性恋:女性问题的提出与女性同性恋(lesbian)问题息息相关. 然而,有趣的是,即便在同性恋问题上,女性同性恋仍旧比男性同性恋更多遭遇着来自男权社会的压力,迄今为止,男性同性恋在许多国家已经被法律所接纳,而女性同性恋者的地位却边缘得多.

lesbian 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 女同性恋的
    Lesbian is used to describe homosexual women.

    e.g. Many of her best friends were lesbian.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 有关女同性恋者的
    Lesbian is used to describe the relationships and activities of homosexual women, and the organizations or publications intended for them or created by them.

    e.g. ...a long-term lesbian relationship.

lesbian 单语例句

1. Japan's main opposition party is fielding an openly lesbian candidate for July's upper house elections, in an unprecedented move for the country's conservative political world.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Thousands of gay and lesbian activists were expected to converge on the White House and Capitol yesterday demanding civil rights protections in all 50 states.

3. The lesbian activist had been repeatedly stabbed with broken glass, and beaten so severely with chunks of concrete that her teeth had been knocked out.

4. lesbian的翻译

4. Supporters for the law go far beyond the gay and lesbian community.

5. Activists said the concept of two women having sexual relations was incomprehensible to most Egyptians, adding they were not in contact with any lesbian groups.

6. lesbian是什么意思

6. Groups that advocate for lesbian rights said that the rule was unfair for lesbians and resulted from ignorance.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Gay and lesbian couples are planning to raise awareness of homosexuality in China this Valentine's Day by entering a kissing contest in the capital.

8. lesbian的解释

8. US Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife say they are angry at John Kerry for invoking their lesbian daughter during the final presidential debate.

9. Lesbian partners are tying the knot with gay couples to satisfy their parents, but find the deception exhausting.

10. It is hoped the school would be a way to combat the high bullying, dropout and depression rate many gay and lesbian students experience nationwide.

lesbian 英英释义


1. lesbian的意思

1. a female homosexual

    Synonym: tribade gay woman


1. of or relating to or characterized by homosexual relations between woman

    Synonym: sapphic
