1. 慢板:但并未说明奏出这些重音的速度是多快或多慢. 作曲家在总谱上标上符号,告诉演奏者应当用多快或多慢的速度演奏该乐曲. 他们一般使用传统的意大利文的单字或词. 其中最常见的是: 广板(Large)非常缓慢庄严而缓慢的(Grave) 慢板(Lento)
2. 慢:全曲以一种缓慢(Lento)而低喃的速度进行,弥漫著浓郁的哀思,乐句绵延不断产生一种清新脱俗但出世超尘的乐思,搭配上女高音吟咏,彷佛来自於天上仙境. 第一乐章由弦乐器以卡农(Canon)的形式展开,先是低音大提琴而后整个弦乐团渐渐加入,
3. 慢板;慢慢的:Largo 广板;宽广的;庄重的 | Lento 慢板;慢慢的 | Pesante 慢速度;沉重的(每个音用一些重音)
1. Arban Variations on Opera Vois-tu la neige qui brille? : Andante quais Allegretto, Variations 1 and 2, Lento, Allegro, any edition.
變奏曲 -根據歌劇《美麗的雪景》,需演奏:近似小快板的行板、變奏 I 和 II、尾聲和快板,可選任何版本。
2. No. 2 For Christopher: Lento 00:52
3. Connor takes Lento from the factory to question him.
4. The study of exceptional set has a history of half a century. In reference (2), Lento extended the famous Picard Theorem and Presented the concept of exceptional set of entire functions and meromorphic functions.
5. If a bad storm struck, Mr Lento explains, he could collect an insurance cheque and leave the city.
如果情况不妙,Tom Lento说他就会夹着保险支票走人。
6. The team follows Lento to a factory, but they don't realize he's experiencing an elaborate hallucination and believes he's at a car auction.
7. Play this lento, please.
8. The study of exceptional set has a history of half a century. In reference (2), Lento extended the famous Picard Theorem and Presented the concept of exceptional set of entire functions and meromorphic functions. And the exceptional set in his result was an infinite sequence of complex numbers.
1. (of tempo) slow