
lei ['leɪɪ]  ['leɪ] 


lei 基本解释


名词(夏威夷人戴的)花环,花冠; 列伊(罗马尼亚的货币单位)( leu的名词复数 )

lei 网络解释


1. 畾:累209,形声字. 糸表意,畾(lei)省声,本义指大绳索. 由大索系物之多而引申出堆叠之义. 又由堆叠之多引申出劳累之义.

2. 厽:累,这是个会意字,由厽(lei)和糸(mi)两个字组合而成. 小篆图1字形上半部是厽,像泥块堆叠成墙之形,表示增益,堆垒,字形下半部是糸字,像细丝束绞之形. 由细丝积累可以织成帛,同泥块堆叠成墙有相似的地方,所以糸字这里也是指增益积累的意义.

3. 花环:可爱岛、欧胡岛、摩洛凯岛、茂宜岛、夏威夷岛等各岛上开始有不同的部族定居,并发展出独特的文化. 其中最广为人知的就是草裙舞(hula)、花环(lei)和音乐,还有夏威夷拼布这个比较新近的流行吧!

4. lei:livingston enterprises inc; 利文斯顿企业公司(美国,出品网络工具,防火墙等)

5. lei:laser enhanced ionization; 激光增强电离光谱

6. lei:latent electrographic image; 静电潜影

7. lei:learning environment inventory; 学习环境量表

lei 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Qiang Lei from the Beijing Business Management College was one who opposed any price hike.

2. " Any unilateral action by Japan regarding the Diaoyu Islands is illegal and invalid, " Hong Lei said at a routine press briefing.

3. " Any unilateral action by Japan regarding the Diaoyu Islands is illegal and invalid, " spokesman Hong Lei said at a routine press briefing.

4. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei said at a news briefing on Thursday that China hopes Egypt can maintain social stability and avoid further casualties.

5. lei

5. We cannot but be impressed by the efficiency the authorities have displayed in their response, particularly in Lei's case.

6. " Reading the novel is like watching a captivating TV series, " literary critic Lei Da said at a recent seminar in Beijing.

7. " A relevant government department has solved the case and handled it according to law, " spokesman Hong Lei said at a routine press briefing.

8. Lei said the newspaper clippings help him learn more and add color to his life.

9. Household appliance analyst Cao Lei from Ping An Securities said that the new technology will help Chigo gain a foothold in developed markets.

10. A Shanxi fan named Cao Lei later accused Marbury of hitting him in the head with a bottle and kicking his chin after he fell.

lei 英英释义


1. flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes

    Synonym: wreath garland coronal chaplet
