
legendary [ˈledʒəndri]  [ˈledʒənderi] 


legendary 基本解释

形容词传奇的; 传说的; 极其著名的

名词传说集; [宗]圣徒传

legendary 网络解释

1. 传奇的:垃圾,请直接分解1星:增强的(Enhanced):带有1个附加属性2星:稀有的(Rare):带有2个附加属性3星:传奇的(Legendary):带有2个以上的附加属性5星:唯一的(Unique):介个...有的造型会有改变,

2. 传说:- * 奖励物为传奇(Fabled)物品 +- * 奖励物为传说(Legendary)物品,且有附法 +- * 奖励物为传奇(Fabled)物品 +- * 奖励物为传说(Legendary)物品,且有附法 +- * 奖励物为传说(Legendary)物品 +- * 奖励物为传说(Legendary)物品 +

3. 传奇:潘多拉魔盒:FPS 传奇潘多拉魔盒(Legendary) 完整硬盘版 3G quote b 版本说明: /b 英文版,完整无删减 b 安装步骤 /b 1.解压缩,需15G剩余空间 2.双击setup.bat开始安装 3.运行桌面快捷进游戏 /quote 中文名称 传奇 潘多拉魔盒 英文名称 L..

legendary 词典解释

1. 传奇般的;家喻户晓的
    If you describe someone or something as legendary, you mean that they are very famous and that many stories are told about them.

    e.g. ...the legendary Jazz singer Adelaide Hall...
    e.g. His political skill is legendary.

2. 传说中的;古老传奇中的
    A legendary person, place, or event is mentioned or described in an old legend.

    e.g. The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.

legendary 单语例句

1. The many delicacies, fine wines and cabaret performances will evoke the atmosphere of the legendary Parisian venue.

2. " This hurricane is coming with same force as Gilbert, " a legendary 1988 hurricane that killed 300 people in Mexico and the Caribbean.

3. And Gordon Strachan became the first Celtic manager since the legendary Jock Stein to win three Scottish league titles in a row.

4. The winery and adjacent vineyards comprise a legendary Haut Medoc estate with its signature wine, one of 14 Third Growths in the Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855.

5. legendary

5. They joined an air force organized by legendary US Army Colonel Claire Lee Chennault, who went on to become a major general as commander of the unit.

6. For Chinese like me, it's a place where the legendary figures throughout the dynasties come back to life.

7. This is where legendary football teams were established, and where the dreams of many a champion have come true.

8. In either case, we would all be able to congratulate ourselves on having witnessed a legendary Cannes moment.

9. A hairy corpse crammed in a Georgia freezer is Bigfoot, two men who have been tracking the legendary creature have claimed.

10. legendary

10. According to ancient books, weiqi was invented by legendary Chinese emperor Yao and his counselor Shun.

legendary 英英释义


1. so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend

    e.g. the legendary exploits of the arctic trailblazers

2. celebrated in fable or legend

    e.g. the fabled Paul Bunyan and his blue ox
           legendary exploits of Jesse James

    Synonym: fabled
