left-handed person

left-handed person

left-handed person 双语例句


1. I feel left-handed person entered a the Eight Diagrams blast, turned a lot of rounds to also be done not have, so the decision comes here stop.

2. Also, albeit a little silly, I always had trouble tying shoes until a left-handed person showed me how they did it.

left-handed person

3. My teacher did not move me; she moved that person and put another left-handed person there.

4. Staying on the left side of a left-handed person may be an obstacle, but when he clenches to your hand, you know you are his sole support.

5. There is one left-handed person for every five right-handed ones.

6. Placing a magnet on your head can temporarily turn you from a right-hander to a left-handed person, a new study suggests.

7. The left-handed person today is still inconvenienced, but he is no longer forced to conform to the right-handed world.
