
ledger [ˈledʒə(r)]  [ˈlɛdʒɚ] 


ledger 基本解释


ledger 网络解释

1. 总帐:打开另一端的门,这里是间安全实验室(SECURED LABORATORY) ,里面看起来挺阴森的,在桌上有份记载着COTTON、HOUSTON、STERLING和CARVER四人分户的总帐(LEDGER)――先揣进怀里再说,再环顾一下四周,没有什么新的发现,还是走人吧.

2. 分类账:因此,簿记员利用特定的会计账册或计算机程序--分类账(ledger),把日记账信息过账(记录)到各个特定类别,让管理者可以在同一地方找到某项账户(例如办公用品、现金等)的所有信息.

3. 分类帐:leave pay 假期工资 | ledger 分类帐 | Ledger Accounting and Financial Information System [LAFIS] 会计及财务数据系统

4. 帐目型:least significant byte 最低有效字节 | ledger 帐目型 | left outer join 左外部联接

ledger 词典解释

1. 总账;账簿;账本
    A ledger is a book in which a company or organization writes down the amounts of money it spends and receives.

ledger 单语例句

1. Angelina Jolie's hairbrush has also made it onto the site, as did Heath Ledger's costume from cowboy movie'Brokeback Mountain'.

2. ledger

2. Grieving actress Michelle Williams has returned to work on a film set just yards from where her former fiance Heath Ledger was found dead.

3. Lindsay Lohan's mother Dina has claimed the actress was in a relationship with Heath Ledger at the time of the actor's death in January 2008.

4. Lindsay Lohan was dating Heath Ledger when he died, according to the actress's mother Dina.

5. Two music videos that represent actor Heath Ledger's last directorial work before his death in January 2008 will be released this year.

6. Gilliam plans to enlist the three big name actors to play various incarnations of Ledger's character.

7. ledger是什么意思

7. The medical examiner's office wouldn't say what concentrations of each drug were found in Ledger's blood.

8. ledger

8. Heath Ledger's last girlfriend Gemma Ward has paid tribute to the late actor in her first interview since his death in January.

9. Keeping a diary as a student is not the same as a grocery store owner keeping a ledger.

10. ledger的反义词

10. The late Heath Ledger is nominated for a supporting actor BAFTA for " The Dark Knight, " after he won the same category at the Golden Globes.

ledger 英英释义


1. an accounting journal as a physical object

    e.g. he bought a new daybook

    Synonym: daybook

2. a record in which commercial accounts are recorded

    e.g. they got a subpoena to examine our books

    Synonym: leger account book book of account book
