
ledge [ledʒ]  [lɛdʒ] 


ledge 基本解释


名词暗礁; 壁架; 矿脉

ledge 网络解释

1. 壁架:用左边的小单间(左边的第一个门),切换场景后,从现在露出的右侧壁架(Ledge)上拾起柠檬素香水(Lemon Essence). 从画面的前方离开厕所. 点击楼梯下方的退出图标向上走. 对百夫长卫士(Centurion Guard)使用止痒粉,

2. 窗台:甲洞区丝绸(Sutera)公寓入伙不到4年,约30户单位露台壁架及窗台(Ledge)相继出现裂痕,部分更已掉落,所幸没有压伤居民. 建筑师黄衍逊指接受<<中国报>>访问时指出,窗台(Legde)从前主要功能是遮挡阳光及排水作用,惟如今大部分只沦为装饰用途.

3. 平台:Lead 领攀,先锋攀登. | Ledge 平台. | Locking biner 带锁扣的铁锁.

4. 横档:lean mix concrete 少灰混凝土 | ledge 横档 | legend 图例

ledge 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. (位于山崖边向外平伸的)岩架,岩脊
    A ledge is a piece of rock on the side of a cliff or mountain, which is in the shape of a narrow shelf.

2. 窗台
    A ledge is a narrow shelf along the bottom edge of a window.

    e.g. She had climbed onto the ledge outside his window.

ledge 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Suddenly, the young woman slipped but managed to hold on to the ledge.

2. Flying over Rock is actually a 12m high, 544 tonne piece of rock that is balanced on a very small ledge.

3. ledge什么意思

3. But the bars broke and the baby fell on to a window ledge two stories below.

4. He spotted the plant on a rock ledge and shimmied across to pick it.

5. Just as they called police for help, the girl slipped off the ledge and fell right into the guards'arms.

6. Hill tumbled down the hillside after scooting to the ledge from a seated position.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Her sister called police and a negotiator was able to talk her down from the ledge.

8. The car had crashed onto a large ledge on the cliff face.

9. Emergency services were called to the cave after Rene fell over the ledge.

10. ledge的解释

10. A flight of steps leads to the ledge and less than 10 people can fit on it at any one time.

ledge 英英释义



1. a projecting ridge on a mountain or submerged under water

    Synonym: shelf
