
lector [ˈlektɔ:(r)]  [ˈlɛktɚ] 

lector 基本解释



lector 网络解释


1. 讀經員:在任何弥撒圣礼中,若有执事(diaconus)在场,他应执行其职务.按照常例最好有辅祭员(acolythus),读经员(lector)和唱经员(cantor)辅助主祭.但下述的礼节并不排除有更多的辅礼人员(ministri).119.

2. 讲师:lectionary 圣经选文集 | lector 讲师 | lectorate 大学讲师

3. 莱克托:find the boy.|找到那男孩 | Lector.|莱克托... | You know what to do with him.|你知道该怎么做

4. 火花电蚀加工油:. 火花電蝕加工油ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINE OIL | 火花電蝕加工油 Lector | ◆ 防鏽劑RUST PREVENTIVES

lector 双语例句


1. My master King Lluth has directed me next to travel to Nabban, and perhaps I will find out the truth of that when I am there, I fear, however, that if such is the case, the lector has misjudged: if the snubbing that Elias and his sycophants have given Velligis is any indication, the King is more restless even than his father was under Mother Church's broad shadow.
    我的主人国王 Lluth命令我下一站就去Nabban地方,可能我到了那里就会找到事情的真相,然而我怕,如果事情真的是这样,讲经者就判断错了:如果Elias和他的奉仰者,已经给了Velligis一些暗示,那么国王在母亲大教堂的巨大的阴影下,就会比他父亲更感到不安。


2. A picture of the Virgin in S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, is ascribed to him, and can be traced to AD 847 It is probably a copy of that mentioned by Theodore Lector, in the sixth century.
    图片美属维尔京在美国玛丽亚Maggiore ),罗马,是归因于他,可以追溯到847的广告,可能是一本提到的,由西奥多读者,在第六世纪。


3. Caveat lector, of course, so much of this is bound to be wrong.

4. Lector: A reading from the Epistle of the blessed apostle Paul to...


5. About three years later he received Holy Baptism and was ordained lector.


6. Not that he doesn't treat me-the Lector of Mother Church, after all-with a certain lack of respect.


7. The lector had gained a step on him, and the crowd was pushing in.

8. In 1978, Mr. Jin acted as trior of section chief level in the Intermediate Court of Jilin City, Jilin Province; in 1985, he worked as lector, deputy professor, professor of the Law School of Dalian Maritime University, and part-time professor of Korea Ocean University.

9. The orders are bishop, priest, deacon, subdeacon, lector, and singer.
    订单主教,司铎,执事,subdeacon ,读者,和歌手。

10. If the lector is the cantor, he remains at the ambo.

lector 英英释义



1. lector

1. a public lecturer at certain universities

    Synonym: lecturer reader

2. someone who reads the lessons in a church service
    someone ordained in a minor order of the Roman Catholic Church

    Synonym: reader
