lead along

lead along

lead along 单语例句

1. lead along的意思

1. The 21 Steps by Charles Cunning uses Google maps to lead readers on an adventure along real London streets.

2. lead along

2. Renowned dramatist Meng Jinghui will lead a theater tour of Germany with six works, along with workshops and discussions.

3. Ethnic Albanian leaders fear that such rights might lead to the division of Kosovo along ethnic lines.

4. Kim helped lead the study for the US Army, which sponsored it along with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

5. But he pecked away at the lead, building momentum along the way.

6. lead along的近义词

6. If the demand for lodging does not increase along with the supply, the increasing number of hotels will lead to a decline in occupancy rates.

7. The Netherlands and Scandinavian nations lead opposition to ending the arms ban, along with the European Parliament.

8. Echoing the sentiments of banners along the march, he vowed the group would follow his brother's lead.

9. They paved a path along the ridge of the field that lead to Deng's dormitory.
