
laxity ['læksətɪ]  [ˈlæksɪti] 


laxity 基本解释

名词松弛; 散漫; (肠的)松动; 泻肚

laxity 网络解释

1. 松弛:亦即韧带的释放术本身无法完全解决内侧副韧带劲度上升之影响. 因此,想达到足够的活动度,除了韧带释放术外,更多的骨切除是必要的. 这个步骤虽然可能造成关节松弛(laxity),但根据文献显示只要laxity<20°,手术结果将可以和对照组相当或甚至更好.

2. 松驰:laxite 机械碎屑岩 | laxity 松驰 | Laxolithus 宽轭石

3. 徐缓:徐步tostrolltowalkslowly | 徐缓laxity | 徐行walkslowly,stroll

4. 散慢:laxativeunchaste 不简洁的 | laxity 散慢 | laxity 徐缓

laxity 单语例句

1. laxity

1. " This administration has made a grievous error in the laxity of command control, " Kerry told the Fox News Channel.

2. laxity的意思

2. Failure to abide by the law in handling affairs and laxity in law enforcement are common occurrences.

3. Failing to do that has only shown up the laxity in program quality control within RTHK.


4. " Killing laxity, " The Hindustan Times splashed on its front page.

5. " Killing laxity, " read a headline in The Hindustan Times.

6. He brushed aside a question about whether his government blamed economic laxity in Washington for the world's woes.

7. Typically, loans have been seen as symptoms of intellectual and moral laxity.

laxity 英英释义


1. the quality of being lax and neglectful

    Synonym: laxness remissness slackness

2. the condition of being physiologically lax

    e.g. baths can help the laxness of the bowels

    Synonym: laxness
