
lawyers ['lɔ:jəz]  ['lɔ:jəz] 


lawyers 基本解释
律师,法学家( lawyer的名词复数 );
lawyers 网络解释


1. 律师:IIII律师(LAWYERS) 律师和会计相似,也是帮助你和政府及法律打交道.一开始手下没有律师,一定要去法 院或律师事物所物色一个.雇佣的标准也是智力水平.律师能帮助你的手下逃避法律 和监狱,还能处理所有与贪污指控挂钩的事务.你一个星期可以给律师下达四个不同 的任务,

2. 首演之夜 医生律师、政商名流盛装打扮:- Just say it, Charles, go on. - Well, you picture it, James.|- 尽管... | Opening night, doctors, lawyers, businessmen and their wives,|首演之夜 医生律师、政商名流盛装打扮 | all dressed to the nines.|他们...

3. 教授 医生 律师 科普专家:what if he did know the answers?|会不会他真的知道答案... | Professors, doctors, lawyers, general knowledge wallahs...|教授 医生 律师 科普专家... | never get beyond 16,000 rupees.|没一个人得到超过16,000卢...

4. 律师楼:4.4.4 其它 Others | 4.5 律师楼 Lawyers | 4.6 会计师楼 Public Accountants

lawyers 单语例句

1. Divorce lawyers say business is booming, as the country's recession puts pressure on marriages.

2. She was responding to complaints from foreign lawyers that China should open the market wider and relax restrictions on their business including practicing law.

3. Beijing lawyers dealing with employment conflicts are expecting more business thanks to the labor contract law taking effect a month ago.

4. But local lawyers told them that they could marry according the New Marriage Law because they are not related by blood.

5. lawyers

5. We don't power walk up to Capitol Hill with a million men and a dozen personal injury lawyers following in their wake.

6. The SPC has transferred qualified judges from local courts, experienced lawyers and law professors to the SPC to carry out the death penalty reviews.


7. Human rights activists have criticised the quality of the casework and the court's difficulties in protecting witnesses and defense lawyers.

8. lawyers什么意思

8. The two sides adopted cautious attitudes towards the decision on Monday, saying they would decide whether to appeal after consultations with their respective lawyers and parties.

9. Another looming challenge to Musharraf is a lawyers'movement that sprang up last year to fight his attempts to dictate to the judiciary.

10. lawyers是什么意思

10. Two Beijing lawyers said they would defend Deng free of charge after visiting her in detention on May 21.
