
lawful [ˈlɔ:fl]  [ˈlɔfəl] 

lawful 基本解释

形容词合法的; 法定的; 守法的; 法律许可的

lawful 反义词


lawful 相关例句


1. Is it lawful to hunt deer in this state?

2. It is not lawful to steal.

lawful 网络解释

1. 守法的:即使不说极权主义政府是史无前例的政府,我们也可以说它摧毁了政治哲学中所有关于政府本质的界定均建立其上的那种两者必居其一的选择,这就是守法的(lawful)政府和不守法的(lawless)政府之间的选择,滥用的权力和合法的权力之间的选择.

lawful 词典解释

1. 合法的;法律允许的;法定的
    If an activity, organization, or product is lawful, it is allowed by law.

    e.g. It was lawful for the doctors to treat her in whatever way they considered was in her best interests...
    e.g. Hunting is a lawful activity.

Amnesty International is trying to establish whether the police acted lawfully in shooting him.
lawful 单语例句

1. The government distributed an open letter asking cabbies to be sensible and calm, and to express their requests in rational and lawful ways.

2. lawful

2. Article 13 Employees of foreign capital enterprises may set up trade union organizations, carry out union activities and protect their lawful rights and interests in accordance with law.

3. In addition, they should encourage people to get rich through honest labour and lawful business.

4. It is based on the principle of a diversion of powers and lawful administration.

5. It has long since been stipulated that land operated by farmers can be transferred in a lawful and compensatory manner.

6. lawful

6. Ting had admitted to one count of preventing the lawful burial of the body and was sentenced to four years concurrently.

7. On the other extreme are instances of people condemning an individual who has a negative public image even if he does something lawful.

8. The new labor contract law does not increase any labor costs for lawful enterprises, says an article on the website of People's Daily.

9. Current regulations take the rigid way of copyright protection, restricting lawful business but remain helpless in the face of purposeful and naked piracy.

10. Manufacturing enterprises should cultivate the abilities of utilizing intellectual property of their employees, as well as the abilities of differentiating lawful software from pirated ones.

lawful 英英释义



1. conformable to or allowed by law

    e.g. lawful methods of dissent

2. authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law

    e.g. a legitimate government

    Synonym: legitimate licit

3. having a legally established claim

    e.g. the legitimate heir
           the true and lawful king

    Synonym: true(a) rightful(a)

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4. according to custom or rule or natural law

    Synonym: rule-governed
