
larceny [ˈlɑ:səni]  [ˈlɑ:rsəni] 


larceny 基本解释



larceny 网络解释


1. 偷窃:综合下来,梁丽拾金的法律责任,似乎介于入室盗窃和偶发性窃取(俗称顺手牵羊)之间;遗憾的是,我国现有刑法对偷窃行为的罪名分类尚显粗糙,在量刑上又过度偏重案值,而对影响预期合理性的情节和手段考虑不足,也没有像普通法那样对偷窃(larceny)和盗窃(burglary)作明确的划分;

2. 盗窃罪:第二主成份在入室盗窃(BURGLARY)、盗窃罪(LARCENY)、汽车犯罪(AUTO)上有较大的正系数,在谋杀(MURDER)、强奸(RAPE)、攻击(ASSAULT)上有较大的负系数,所以代表了暴力犯罪与其它犯罪的一种对比.

3. 盗窃:我认为有必要防范某人的财产被他人侵占(misapproriate),所以制定了盗窃(larceny)罪. 不论此侵占是由正权本占有者实施的还是由非法获取者实施的,危害性上没有差别. 但是孱弱的原始法还主要致力于防范暴力(not get much beyond an effort to prevent violence),

4. 窃盗罪:也因此,不能重罪109 本文在注4 中已介绍过,窃盗罪(larceny)是用来规范以和平手段违法(未111 在英美法中,偷盗罪(theft)被定义为意图永久剥夺他人财产,违法(在未与诈欺罪(false pretenses)是窃盗罪三个主要形式.

larceny 词典解释

1. larceny

1. 盗窃罪
    Larceny is the crime of stealing.

    e.g. Haggerman now faces two to 20 years in prison on grand larceny charges.

larceny 单语例句

1. larceny的反义词

1. Robert " Joe " Halderman pleaded guilty to attempted grand larceny, acknowledging he tried to chisel $ 2 million from the TV show host.

2. Hutchins was also convicted of conspiracy to commit murder, making a false official statement and larceny.

3. He was also found guilty of larceny and housebreaking, and cleared of making a false official statement.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. He reported it to police in Beijing's Tongzhou district out of feat he would be ensnared in a larceny case.

5. CBS says an employee has been charged with attempted grand larceny in the case.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. But police arrested her on a petty larceny charge, he said.

7. Wu Youwei and his friend Wang Hong had previously both been jailed for larceny and were released just months ago.

8. Police urged people to report their missing dogs so more cases of larceny could be uncovered.

9. Lovett was given a suspended sentence in January for misdemeanor larceny and breaking and entering.

10. Xu's case is one of larceny, while He's case leans toward a misappropriation offense.

larceny 英英释义



1. the act of taking something from someone unlawfully

    e.g. the thieving is awful at Kennedy International

    Synonym: theft thievery thieving stealing
