
landscaping ['lændskeɪpɪŋ]  ['lændskeɪpɪŋ] 






landscaping 基本解释
landscaping 网络解释

1. 绿化:当估算人缺少资料时才考虑上述公开造价信息,估算人也可以利用这些公开信息匡算复...场地工作内容包括:现场准备(SitePreParation)、拆除(Demolition)、上方工程(Earthwork)、打桩工程(Piling)、排水和共用工程(Drainage&Utlities)(Paving&Surfacing)、绿化(Landscaping)等.

2. 园林设计:R家前院的园林设计(Landscaping)是前房主留下的,R和我家的房子都是依山,我们俩家的Landscaping 都做得不错,不知是不是出自同一位设计人员之手. 如果硬要比的话,如果把我们家的比为红楼梦之中的薛宝钗,那他的就是林黛玉.

3. 美化:我是一名场景设计师(environment artist),我的工作内容不仅包括设计建筑物,小道具和游戏世界里其他设施,还有非角色动画(non character animations),光照(lighting),场景美化(landscaping)和设计一些需要大量艺术装饰的关卡.

landscaping 单语例句

1. Hence, creating an environment for living should come before the landscaping.

2. To give alighting passengers a pleasant first impression, extensive landscaping was carried out in front of the concourse.

3. The landscaping focus is on the quality of afforestation rather than the quantity.

4. Many of the photographs highlight elaborate landscaping or show the way urban terraces serve as a private art gallery.

5. It is an evergreen shrub that is an ubiquitous part of landscaping throughout China both for its pretty foliage and its highly scented flowers.

6. The major projects include environmental treatment and landscaping at branches of the Fenhe River and greening projects along the Shijiazhuang and Taiyuan expressways.

7. Dandong city is focusing on its urban landscaping to increase local peoples'happiness index level.

8. It was set up in Switzerland in 1948 to promote the international marketing of flowers, plants and landscaping services.

9. One landscaping job offered saw just 36 applicants in 2004, the least competitive of all the professional jobs surveyed by the recruitment website.

10. But a treatment system has been installed that filters and decontaminates the leachate and allows it to be used for landscaping at the landfill.

landscaping 英英释义


1. working as a landscape gardener

    Synonym: landscape gardening

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. a garden laid out for esthetic effect

    e.g. they spent a great deal of money on the landscaping
