
landrover ['lændrəʊvə]  ['lændroʊvə] 

landrover 基本解释



landrover 网络解释

1. 路虎(陆虎):L路虎/陆虎(Landrover)路虎揽胜二手车详细信息广东广州 二手L路虎/陆虎(Landrover)路虎揽胜 105.00 万元 ,行驶里程:3.00 万公里 , 上牌日期:2008年7月 ,...最新广州二手L路虎/陆虎(Landrover)路虎揽胜

2. 越野路華:彭博社引述消息人士透露,全球第三大汽车生产商福特汽车(Ford)正计划出售旗下富豪(Volvo)、积架(Jaguar)、越野路华(LandRover)三家欧洲车厂,冀重新专注於其北美业务.

landrover 双语例句

1. It's addition airless day in the savannah backcountry of arctic Australia and I'm sitting in the aback of a arenaceous Landrover cat-and-mouse to accommodated associates of one of the country's a lot of abnormal aggressive units.

2. Our customers include Chinese and overseas brand owners/manufacturers including Midea, Galanz, ZTE, Huawei, LG Innotek, Philips mobile, Airmate, Desay, TCL, Alcatel Mobile, Fujitsu Siemens, Packard Bell, Airgle, Coship, Landrover etc.
    我们的专长是产品外观设计,客户包括中国及海外品牌/制造商:如美的,格兰士,中兴,华为,LG,飞利浦手机,艾美特,德赛,TCL ,阿尔卡特手机,富士通西门子,Packard Bell,美国Airgle,同洲电子,路虎等。

3. As he drove the Landrover up to inspect the furthest fences, Simon heard the plaintive cries of wild geese overhead.


4. In June 2006, I duty as afer sale manager as ChongQing HuiTongluHua Jaguar and landrover dealer. because this company existed many problems in repair technique, reception warranty and part department. Firstly I regularized the service process and rules. secondly through GTR net station trained the present model vehicle, made out warranty process and standard, also trained the part inquiry system, stock setup and part receive and delivery process, automobile professional English.


5. The trailer had come in the night before, pulled by a brand-new landrover.

6. It " s another sweltering day in the savannah woodland of northern Australia and I " m sitting in the back of a dusty Landrover waiting to meet members of one of the countrys most unusual military units.


7. His warning comes after the group was forced to intervene heavily last month to prop up a rights issue for the acquisition by its motor unit of Jaguar and Land Rover, the British car marques.

8. We are not putting our family jewels in the cloud, just mail and calendar functions, says Jeremy Vincent, chief information officer of Jaguar-Land Rover, the car company, which recently became a Google customer.

9. For a long while, Land Rover seemed headed in the same direction.

10. To do that, Ford closed down under-performing plants, but also began to design affordable, fuel-efficient cars, and discontinued brands that were losing money, including Jaguar and Land Rover.


11. It " s another sweltering day in the savannah woodland of northern Australia and I " m sitting in the back of a dusty Landrover waiting to meet members of one of the countrys most unusual military units.

12. I don't know which is the bigger piece of shit, you or your Landrover.

13. These lions were so habituated that they hardly looked up when we stopped our safari Landrover next to them.

14. I was considering buying a second hand landrover freelander. After looking at the survey results on this website I changed my mind.

15. Landrover Please Note: You can sort this listing by simply clicking on the column heading.


16. Ford indicates that it expects to sell Jaguar and LandRover within two months, both to the same bidder.

17. It's another sweltering day in the savannah woodland of northern Australia and I'm sitting in the back of a dusty Landrover waiting to meet members of one of the country's most unusual military units.

landrover 单语例句

1. This had led to a disorderly state in the automotive industry and confusion among consumers over the LANDROVER brand.

2. Landrover argued that the act was forbidden by law and the registered trademark should be cancelled.

landrover 英英释义


1. a car suitable for traveling over rough terrain

    Synonym: jeep
