
landfill [ˈlændfɪl]  ['lændfɪl] 


landfill 基本解释
landfill 网络解释


1. 堆填:Waste management, 堆填(landfill)不好,原因是1. 成本高,2. 并没有解决问题,东西还是在那里3. 释放废气. 新的思维就是垃圾是错置的资源,都是可以利用的,要recycle利用,好处1. 增加就业机会,因为循环厂雇佣很多技术工人,

2. 填埋:Galfad其实就是气化(gasification)、填埋(landfill)和厌氧发酵(anaerobic digestion)三种技术的代名词. 该技术可处理四个城镇每天产生的总共约800吨的垃圾.

3. 垃圾填埋场:华盛顿州的垃圾填埋场(Landfill)项目就是一个典型的例子. 以前华盛顿州人口集中地区的生活垃圾由60多个垃圾站分散处理,造成污染环境、处理费用高、回收利用不充分,占用大量宝贵的土地资源和难以监督管理等许多问题. 1995年政府做出规划,

landfill 单语例句

1. Attention will be given to the promotion of electricity generation by means of waste incineration and landfill gas in urban areas.

2. Methane is another landfill byproduct and a potentially hazardous one that could cause an explosion.

3. landfill

3. Gao always takes a shower when she returns home, changing out of her " landfill uniform " into clean clothes.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Eleven other Australian firms in areas such as coal bed methane, landfill technology and fossil energy also participated in the forum.

5. landfill的近义词

5. The earrings were recovered on Thursday at the former Fresh Kills landfill, where trash is compacted and shipped out of state.

6. Landfill, incineration and compost are the three major household waste disposal methods.


7. The district currently has five small landfill sites and garbage incinerators, with a daily capacity of 600 tons.

8. The substitutes can increase emissions of greenhouse gases on landfill sites, while some need high temperatures to decompose and others cannot be recycled in Britain.

9. Beijing will install 100 deodorant guns at a landfill on the edge of the city by May following complaints about the smell.

10. After treatment, the silt can be used in gardens and landfill in the city.

landfill 英英释义



1. landfill什么意思

1. a low area that has been filled in
