
lamplighter ['læmpˌlaɪtə]  ['læmpˌlaɪtə] 

lamplighter 基本解释


lamplighter 网络解释


1. 点灯用具:lamplight 灯火 | lamplighter 点灯用具 | lamplit 灯光照明的

2. 点燃街灯的灯夫:点燃burnableenkindleignition | 点燃街灯的灯夫lamplighter | 点头nodnoddednoddle

3. 点燃街灯的灯夫, 点灯用具 (名):lamplight 灯火 (名) | lamplighter 点燃街灯的灯夫, 点灯用具 (名) | lampoon 讽刺 (动)

4. 点燃街灯的灯夫/点灯用具:lamplight /灯光/ | lamplighter /点燃街灯的灯夫/点灯用具/ | lampoon /讽刺文/

lamplighter 双语例句

1. On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer.


2. There was just enough room on it for a street lamp and a lamplighter.


3. That doesn't do me much good, " said the lamplighter. " the one thing I love in life is to sleep.

4. And now came the lamplighter.

5. When the lamplighter knocked against them, or the wind blew through the cathedral, they would swing back and forth like pendulums.

6. Small tradesmen, who did no business whatever, sometimes unaccountably realised large fortunes, and it was remarkable that nobody in the neighbourhood could endure a lamplighter.

lamplighter 英英释义


1. (when gas was used for streetlights) a person who lights and extinguishes streetlights
