
kudos [ˈkju:dɒs]  [ˈku:dɑ:s] 

kudos 基本解释



kudos 相关例句


1. He received kudos from everyone on his performance.

kudos 网络解释


1. 名望:kudo 奖赏 | kudos 名望 | kudu 条纹羚

2. 荣誉:kaleidoscope万花筒 | kudos 荣誉 | kungfu 中国武术

3. 感激 光荣:kudos 感激 光荣 | able能 | and和

4. 恭喜你:that a compliment?你在誇我嗎? | kudos.恭喜你 | rugheads and the billies黑人和白人

kudos 词典解释

1. (因行为或成就而获得的)荣誉,赞誉,名声
    Kudos is admiration or recognition that someone or something gets as a result of a particular action or achievement.

    e.g. ...a new hotel chain that has won kudos for the way it treats guests.

kudos 单语例句

1. kudos

1. She didn't return the kudos, describing the president's dabbling in some of the Olympic sports before the event.

2. The police deserve kudos for busting the gang of criminals and rescuing abducted children.

3. Temperature checks and other health controls won Singapore international kudos for swiftly halting the virus earlier this year.

4. The second installment of the vampire drama film franchise comes out as the big winner that night with four kudos.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Kudos to the government and PLA for restoring order in Xinjiang Province.

6. This unselfish policy has won for the nation kudos from developing countries and the world at large.

7. Kudos to Premier Wen for his quick response and dedication in answering to the massive earthquake in Sichuan Province.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Technical matters aside, the supreme court deserves kudos for its approach in producing the interpretations.

9. Chief Executive Donald Tsang deserves kudos for expressing serious concern about food safety during his trip to Beijing.

10. kudos的反义词

10. Never mind the kudos, it does his bank balance no harm at all.

kudos 英英释义



1. danci.911cha.com

1. an expression of approval and commendation

    e.g. he always appreciated praise for his work

    Synonym: praise congratulations extolment
