1. 克莉丝:珍娜俱乐部是以一个家族企业运作,并以葛定纳的妹妹克莉丝(Kris)作为副总裁,负责产品销售. 于2005年,珍娜俱乐部曾估计年收入3000万美元,约一半左右是利润. 推销规划运用詹姆森自己的魅力. 自2003年5月以来,
2. 克里斯:2000年秋天,斯普林格和博思克教授了一学期的应用会计学,他们用一个长达一学期的案例研究作为课程的核心内容,案例描述了由俄克拉何马州立大学两个二年级学生-克里斯(Kris)和桑迪(Sandy)创办的新企业所遇到的情况.
3. 跌打酒:爹哋 wqkf | 跌打酒 kris | 钉晒 qsjs
4. kris:knowledge repository information system; 知识仓储信息系统
1. She is livid with Kris for dragging this out, but she won't cave in to his demands that she admit the marriage was fraudulent.
2. danci.911cha.com
2. While the competition generated ample publicity for Kris Ryan's new venue, fans of The Saddle and Cox will no doubt conclude that the hype is justified.
3. Khloe also took to her twitter page to give her congratulations to Kim and Kris, who have been dating for around six months.
4. Kris是什么意思
4. No one else was missing in Devore, said sheriff's Deputy Kris Phillips.
5. The boy's father Kris Hubbard eventually spotted the sixth digit on each hand and foot.
6. danci.911cha.com
6. While Kris has previously not spoken about his marriage split, his father William Humphries recently admitted his son had been " blindsided " by Kim's divorce petition.
7. From Kris's dogs in my space to his shirts on the floor to going over budget to everything you could possibly think of.
8. Kris was thrilled by the Vera Wang gown Kim chose to wear to say her wedding vows as she thinks her daughter looked " breathtakingly beautiful ".
9. The inebriated Kris Kringle imposter with the sprained ankle being lugged around on the backs of generous friends - that was me.
10. Kris
10. The Rickshaw is managed by Chad Lager and owned by Kris Ryan, who this month opens a new venture called The Saddle Cantina on Sanlitun Bar Street.