




kowtowed 基本解释
惟命是从;顺从;叩头( kowtow的过去式和过去分词 );卑躬屈膝;
kowtowed 双语例句


1. It was Chung Yang Festival yesterday, many filial children went to pay respect to their deceased ancestors. The atmosphere at the tombs for different deceased artists were different, some were very quite, some with many flowers or fruits. Among all Anita Mui had most visitors, in front of her tablets both in Po Lin Monestry and Shang Sin Chung Tong there were plenty flowers and fruits. Her brother and Marianne both paid her respect in Shang Sin Chung Tong. Also some nuns/monks paid her respect in Po Lin. A child of 7 accompanied by his parent even kowtowed to Ah Mui. Also many tourists stopped in front of Mui's tablet, they all bowed to her respectfully.


2. Kneeling down solemnly, Yun Jiang kowtowed twice and left, with head raising and chest lifting.


3. The minute his feet hit the ground, he fell to his hands and knees and kowtowed without stopping.


4. Now, on hearing that a new watchman had been employed, the hooligans came again, only to be welcomed by a good beating: the two leaders were kicked into a manure pit and the rest dropped to their knees and kowtowed for mercy.

5. During the funeral, we the junior generations knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times to show our deep respect to grandfather's remains.

6. No matter where he worked, he always kowtowed to his superior.


7. E. g. He kowtowed to the regime.
    他对那 政权卑躬屈膝。

8. She knelt before him and kowtowed eight times.


9. She started to cry, kowtowed with his forehead to the floor, and said

10. Temple was very small, but people from all the directions went there and kowtowed to the deities.

11. So this old man was no ordinary person. I knelt down respectfully and kowtowed. I became his apprentice.

12. He suddenly fell to his knees and kowtowed to Dr.

13. Then he kowtowed to the assembled farmers and begged their forgiveness, which was granted.

14. So that tens of thousands of the Buddha Book with a green eyes slightly opened with a vast tragedy of mercy, they do not want to face up to tens of milli***** of kowtowed bodies, but with the desire of aggressive ambition.


15. He kowtowed many times in great reverence before Hong Meng and raised the old questions again.

16. Kneeling down solemnly, Yun Jiang kowtowed twice and left, with head rising and chest lifting.

17. Then he kowtowed to the monk, to show his reverence and gratitude.

18. They went down on their knees and kowtowed.


19. At the time, I kowtowed with my forehead on the icy soil, and tears running down, I eventually admitted the painful fact of mother's eternal departed.


20. He kowtowed to the regime.

kowtowed 单语例句

1. A few citizens kowtowed and received blessing from the lamas during the chanting.
