
kosher [ˈkəʊʃə(r)]  [ˈkoʊʃə(r)] 

kosher 基本解释



kosher 相关例句



1. Things were all kosher.

kosher 网络解释

1. (犹太食品认证):为适应国际市场需求,我公司现拥有以下体系认证:(CQC)HACCP认证,(SGS)BRC认证,美国FDA认证以及犹太食品认证(KOSHER)等. 确保了加工的产品从种植、收获到加工全过程的受控. 为客户提供安全、卫生、健康、美味的产品是我们公司的服务宗旨.

2. 犹太菜:Korean 韩国菜 | Kosher犹太菜 | Mexican 墨西哥菜

3. 清净的:koroseal 氯乙烯树脂 | kosher 清净的 | kosher 合犹太人戒律的

kosher 词典解释

1. (尤指食物)合礼的(合乎犹太教教规的)
    Something, especially food, that is kosher is approved of or allowed by the laws of Judaism.

    e.g. ...a kosher butcher.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 合适的;正确的
    Something that is kosher is generally approved of or considered to be correct.

    e.g. I guessed something wasn't quite kosher...
    e.g. Acting was not a kosher trade for an upper-class girl.

kosher 单语例句

1. JERUSALEM - Israel's kosher cellular phone market has a new model, a device with a Yiddish interface to help devout Jews combine tradition with modern technology.

2. But while Dini's lacks in exotic cuisine, it is true to the laws of Kashrut and everything is kosher.

3. He said the many vegetarian items on Chinese menus are appealing to people who keep kosher.

4. I never ate meat outside of the house unless it was at a kosher establishment.

5. Jun Yang just opened a restaurant offering kosher Chinese food in Brookline, a town bordering Boston that has a large Jewish population.

kosher 英英释义


1. food that fulfills the requirements of Jewish dietary law


1. conforming to dietary laws

    e.g. kosher meat
           a kosher kitchen

    Synonym: cosher

2. proper or legitimate
