1. 节:日内瓦与苏黎世当地政府规定,14岁以上儿童不需要驾照就可以单独租用摩托艇(Motor Boat),或航速5节(Knots)以下的帆船;如果想驾驶速度更快的游艇,驾驶者则须考取帆船驾照(Jalor-Sailing License).
2. (繩)結:法拉赫最新著作<<绳结>>(Knots)于2007年发表,是关于祖国索马里的三部曲系列中的第二部分. 科奈莉亚-弗洛波伊斯是童星出身,有着一副甜美的好歌喉,长大后她成为了德国最有人气、最多才多艺的女演员,不论是在舞台上还是银幕中.
3. 結:法拉赫最近的一本著作<<绳结>>(Knots)是一个三部曲系列中的第二部分,是关于他的祖国索马里的. 德国女演员科奈莉亚-弗洛波伊斯以甜美的童星身份出道,之后成为了德国最著名、最多才多艺的女演员,不论是在大荧幕前还是舞台上.
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. Some hats had wide ribbons tied into big butterfly knots, while others sported giant silk flowers.
2. knots的近义词
2. Chinese folk artists were performing Chinese calligraphy and paper cutting, making traditional clay figures and tying Chinese knots in the departure hall.
3. I don't intend to make their job easier by dashing through the streets blindly at a rate of knots.
4. When the vendor heard whom the toys were for he took particular care to decorate each parcel with ornate flowery knots.
5. The obstacles and technical glitches that stand in the way of denuclearization are intertwined and it is unrealistic to disentangle the knots in one go.
6. knots
6. The coach's wheels are retracted into the hull to reduce drag and allows it to reach speeds of up to 8 knots.
7. knots的近义词
7. It is capable of speeds in excess of 30 knots and can fight simultaneous air, surface and subsurface battles.
8. Traveling at more than 30 knots, the fiberglass fast boat was swift and comfortable.
9. knots什么意思
9. She started doing Chinese knots " for the sake of killing time as she got so depressed " after being laid off three years ago.
10. danci.911cha.com
10. It even became a small hat when four knots were made at each corner.